Estoy Jubilado
Life can be challenging at times. I walk a path that was usually not anticipated. This path has led to retirement. Patrick and I will explore history in our third third of this life. Continue Reading →
Sharing the exploration of our lives
When we express ourselves within the constraints of literary forms, we create poetry.
Life can be challenging at times. I walk a path that was usually not anticipated. This path has led to retirement. Patrick and I will explore history in our third third of this life. Continue Reading →
Relationships can be hard. Relationships can be painful. Relationships can be worth it. A poem for my love. Continue Reading →
Miraculous bridge /
Above the Columbia /
Fades into the ash. Continue Reading →
In these trying times /
The rising sun reminds us /
Life is worth the fight. Continue Reading →
Fifteen years of life. /
A daily gift of choosing /
As the seasons pass. Continue Reading →
Time with our good friends /
Relaxin’ at Chelakin /
Enjoy summer Days. Continue Reading →
A waning spring day /
To visit with my father /
As the years pass by. Continue Reading →
As spring rolls indoors, /
The new kitchen is in play /
Gold crust and firm crumb. Continue Reading →
As spring moves forward /
This beauty gives us solace. /
There is only hope. Continue Reading →
While working today /
Favorite bed was chosen /
With autumn snuggles. Continue Reading →