Puppy Snuggles
While working today /
Favorite bed was chosen /
With autumn snuggles. Continue Reading →
Sharing the exploration of our lives
Literary efforts that help us understand ourselves and our world and express that emotionally packed understanding.
While working today /
Favorite bed was chosen /
With autumn snuggles. Continue Reading →
Sleep is elusive /
But dawn offers up hope, light /
And autumn glory. Continue Reading →
I came here today to uproot and confront my fear of you and your fear of me, for fear brings silence, and silence equals death, but a living truth brings freedom and life. Continue Reading →
Appreciations: Arthur Miller: Death of a Legend: “For anyone who has ever spent an evening absorbed in ‘Death of a Salesman,’ watching Willy Loman’s ineffably sad decline, there should be little doubt about Arthur Miller’s genius. Still, when the mourning ends for Mr. Miller, who died Thursday, the question of the timelessness of his work will remain. Mr. Miller’s career had its share of misfires, but on the strength of his best plays, he seems as destined for immortality as his most famous character was for obscurity.Mr. Miller’s plays are entrenched in the American canon, and in high school curriculums, Continue Reading →