Visiting Father’s Day
A waning spring day /
To visit with my father /
As the years pass by. Continue Reading →
Sharing the exploration of our lives
About our journey as humans. Encompasses sociology, psychology, philosophy, mythology, religion, business, economics, and anything else about how we live.
A waning spring day /
To visit with my father /
As the years pass by. Continue Reading →
This question of providing value in exchange for adjustments in that variable term privacy is central to the challenges and changes facing society and subsequently, higher education. We are seeing a deep shift that is variously termed the Digital Wealth System (Toffler/Toffler), the Second Machine Age (Brynjolfsson/McAfee), or the Fourth Industrial Revolution(Schwab). Continue Reading →
This is an important observation about education and educational reform. It involves many people. Both many people to develop new methods and tools, and many people to implement and integrate these ideas to move education institutions to better meet our needs. Continue Reading →
There is much of merit throughout the book, and much that may be subject to debate, but for me, the most significant idea he presents is that of the cognitive revolution. Continue Reading →
It is about scale. In education, we have always wanted to take care that every learner in our charge reaches their full potential. …This need for scale to succeed in the digital wealth system is one that will drive investment. This is where we will being to see deep value in education that matches the aspirations of educators of the industrial revolution. Continue Reading →
Education is best understood and then transformed for the future when viewed through the paradigm of wealth systems. When we speak of the purpose and structures of education without these paradigms, our conversations become confused. Identifying the agricultural education system, the industrial education system, and the emerging digital education system can facilitate more constructive work toward digital transformation and our need to hit refresh on education. This is important because the Digital Wealth System calls us to make education available to every person on the planet, so we can achieve more. Continue Reading →
I work to provide teaching and learning on every desk and in every home. Making education available to the human race will make the world better, relieve suffering, and facilitate great human achievement. Continue Reading →
I am fascinated by this tension between the established history and the limits of our knowledge. I find Mortimer’s historiographical approach very attractive as it provides a way to analyse the evidence we have and perhaps come closer to understanding the point of view of the subject of our study. In this case, our learning is more complete and can better inform our understanding of the world and the society in which we live. Continue Reading →
In this context one can see that the unified entity that we today call the United Kingdom has a long past and not all of it peaceful or willing. This is not unusual in human affairs, but it takes us down the road in understanding the background for the Scottish plebiscite to be held later this year. Continue Reading →
It is two in the morning and still I am awake. My husband and I watched the movie The Trip this evening. It is a powerful movie. Like the equally excellent Longtime Companion, it is a tale spread over many years. And perhaps this is where I am caught. There is a nexus here in the passage of time and the prison of the closet experience. The Closet in this context refers to an experience of shutting away who you are and hiding from others to protect yourself or your loved ones. It is very damaging. There is so much loss involved. And Continue Reading →